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Sunday 4 November 2012

Yogyakarta - Arts and Culture, Tourist Attraction

The Wayang Kulit performance by an Indonesian famous
"dalang" (puppet master) Ki Manteb Sudharsono.

Arts and culture
Yogyakarta has strong communities in:
  • Silver work,
  • Traditional leather puppetry used for shadow plays (wayang kulit),
  • Contemporary puppetry and theatre, for example Papermoon Puppet Theatre

Kawung Motif in batik from Yogyakarta.
  • Making batik dyed fabric. It is also known for its vivid contemporary art scene.
  • Gamelan music, including the unique style Gamelan Yogyakarta, which developed in the courts.
  • Yogyakarta is also a haven for underground art.
  • Independent filmmaking communities,
  • Independent musicians,
  • Performance artists,
  • Visual artists including Taring Padi community in Bantul, that produces art prints using a technique called cukil.
Daren kidul Dono Kerto Turi

Demography and language

Most population is Javanese, but being a student city, there are also significant population of people from other ethnicities in Indonesia. This status makes Yogyakarta as one of the most heterogeneous cities in terms of ethnicity in Indonesia. Indonesian as the official national language, and Javanese is widely used as daily spoken languages, especially by the Javanese.
Main office of Gadjah Mada University.

Yogyakarta is well known as home of Gadjah Mada University, one of Indonesia's most prominent state universities. The others public university in Yogyakarta are Yogyakarta State University, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Indonesia Arts Institute. This city also houses several well-known private universities such as Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Islamic University of Indonesia, Atma Jaya University and Sanata Dharma University.

A picture of Monumen Yogya Kembali (also known
as Monjali), which is a museum located in
Sleman Regency
A picture of Monumen Yogya Kembali (also known as Monjali), which is a museum located in Sleman Regency.

Due to the importance of Yogyakarta during the war of independence from the Dutch, there are numerous memorials and museums. Yogya Kembali, and Fort Vredeburg are two major museums of about 11 named in the city.

To the east of the town centre is a large air force museum; as Indonesia was for a period in the Soviet sphere of influence this museum contains a number of vintage Russian aircraft not widely available for inspection in the NATO sphere of influence. The collection includes examples of the Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 trainer, Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17, Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19, Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 and Tupolev Tu-16, together with an assortment of American and British aircraft. Museum Pusat Dirgantara Mandala (Muspurdila) or Mandala Air and Space Museum Center has 36 aircraft in the building and six aircraft in the yard of the museum.

Adisucipto International Airport. Seen from runway.

Yogyakarta is served by Adisucipto International Airport which connects the city with some other major cities in Indonesia, such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Denpasar, Makassar, Balikpapan, Banjarmasin, and Pontianak. It also connects the city with Singapore (operated by Indonesia AirAsia) and Kuala Lumpur (operated by AirAsia).
Tugu railway station.

The city is located on one of the two major railway lines across Java between Jakarta / Bandung and Surabaya. It has two passenger railway stations, Tugu railway station which serves business and executive class trains, and Lempuyangan Station which serves economy class trains. Both stations are located in the heart of the city. Commuter train in Yogyakarta is Prambanan Ekspress, also known as Prameks, this train goes from Lempuyangan Station to Solo Balapan Station at Surakarta (Solo) (East of Yogyakarta), Kutoharjo Station at Kutoharjo (West of Yogyakarta). The other commuter train is Madiun Jaya (Madiun-Lempuyangan), and Joglosemar (Semarang-Lempuyangan).

The city has an extensive system of public city buses, and is a major destination for inter-city buses to elsewhere on Java or Bali, as well as taxis, andongs, and becaks. Motorbikes are by far the most commonly used personal transportation, but an increasing number of residents own automobiles. Yogyakarta also have a highway named Ringroad. An Overpass including Janti Overpass, and Lempuyangan Overpass.
Trans Jogja Bus. A bus rapid transit system in Yogyakarta City.
Trans Jogja Bus. A bus rapid transit system in Yogyakarta City.

Starting from early 2008, the city has operated a bus rapid transit system called Trans Jogja, also knowed as "TJ" (Indonesian), Abbervation from "T" for 'Trans', and "J" for 'Jogja'. This system is modeled after TransJakarta. But unlike Trans Jakarta, there is no particular lane for Trans Jogja buses, they run on main streets. Currently there are six lines of Trans Jogja service, with routes throughout main streets of Yogyakarta, which some overlap one another. The lines extend from Jombor bus station in the north as far as Giwangan main bus terminal in the south and Prambanan bus shelter in the east via Adisucipto International Airport. Trans Jogja has now become a new trademark of Yogyakarta and frequently used by local citizens and tourists alike.
Future transportation
In a recent[when?] forum discussion on long-term transportation plans in Yogyakarta held at Universitas Gadjah Mada, the head of the Yogyakarta region transportation master plan team, Prof Ahmad Munawar, said that in 2016 modern transport modes including monorail, aerobus, and tram will begin operating in the city and the region.

Yogyakarta features a tropical monsoon climate. The city features a lengthy wet season running from October until June and a short dry season that only covers the months of July, August and September. The city averages roughly 2200 mm of precipitation annually. Yogyakarta experiences particularly heavy rainfall from November through April. Temperatures remain relatively constant throughout the course of the year, with average high temperatures at around 30 degrees Celsius and average lows at around 22 degrees Celsius.


Because of its proximity to world famous Borobudur and Prambanan temples, also because having unique Javanese court Kraton culture of Kraton Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta has become the second most important tourist destination in Indonesia after Bali. Most tourists come to Yogyakarta as an accommodation base on visiting Borobudur and Prambanan and also for its strong Javanese culture and tradition. This makes it prominent among other Javanese cities, along with Surakarta or Solo, a city lying about 64 km to the east, Yogyakarta is the centre of Javanese culture.
Yogyakarta is easily reached and connected to other Indonesian cities, especially in Java through road and railway networks, and also through air transportation through Adisucipto International Airport. Tourism industry is quite sprawling in the city, and various accommodations available, from luxurious hotels and restaurant to budget backpacker hostels or traditional lodging called "losmen".
Main building of Panti Rapih Hospital.
Health facilities
Main building of Panti Rapih Hospital.

The major hospitals in Yogyakarta including :

-Dr. Sardjito General Hospital
-Yogyakarta General Hospital
-Bethesda Hospital
-Lempuyangwangi Bethesda Hospital
-Panti Rapih Hospital
-PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital
-Dr. Yap Eye Hospital
-Dr. Soetarto Hospital
-Happy Land Medical Center
-Hidayatullah Muslim Hospital
-Lurido Husada Tama Hospital
-Empat Lima Children Hospital
-Soedirman Surgical Hospital
-Permata Bunda Hospital
-Bakti Ibu Women And Child Hospital
-Yogyakarta Emergency Services (YES) Call 118 (Yogyakarta City Only)

Source: Wikipedia

p/s:This article is from my old blog -->


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