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Wednesday 26 December 2012

2012 Memories - Work/Job

Approaching 2013, 2012 much to teach me patience and perseverance. Too many challenges and obstacles to shedding tears. But there are still moments of joy catharsis suffered.  After marrying in 2011, I decided to stop working in Media ****. Due to too much stress, there was a man who is not happy with me, so I stopped working. At the time, I think, too many job vacancies in newspapers and internet, should I get to work later. After all, I already have some savings, enough to finance me for a year.

Beginning la episode looking for work, at first I thought I wanted to work at home. Then I sign-up for P1 Wimax and start learn. I learned to make the blog and learn to understand the languages ​​make websites.  Lots of notes and a lot of knowledge that I've learned only through Internet.  While I was studying I am also worked. Play forex! Yes! It really pays off in the beginning, because of greed, I begin to recede account. So I stopped playing forex, and besides I'm not a professional. Instead of playing in the hundreds or thousands of dollars range of others. But thankfully still able to profit. Play forex is really tiring, until I can not sleep, as long as there are no closed transactions.  So, before the situation more seriously, I quit playing forex. But my account is still active, any time I can just play. Play = work. Huhu... :>

After that I tried to find another job, I was looking at the newspaper to find job vacancies and found a job at A** n Cr*** in Mid Valley . After the interview went, the next day I was working. I be paid RM40 a day.. Huhu..  Work my can not sit, stand all the time. Too tired. Not only that, my supervisor wants me to get a customer on that day. Perghh .. I do not have experience in this field. After 6 hours without a break and sit, until the time my leave, I called my husband come take it and allegedly acting in an emergency. Huhu.. :)  Very funny when remember back. My legs are very sore when he got home. But this is one of the live experience.
After that, I worked at a company sub telecommunications. Sell ​​only UniFi, as a telemarketer.  After that, I worked at a company sub telecommunications. Sell ​​only UniFi, as a telemarketer. At first, they said, they will provide full training but work just three days, they already want people who want to subscribe. While they do not give much info about what they want to sell. What they are give me is a regular flyer UniFi. That can get in anywhere.  They want a lot of customers but pay too little commission. But I still hold out for a month, to see there a way salaries are given. Is it the same as promised. In fact, the mere imposture. And I decided to stop working on it.  

Before working there, I have joined as a reseller selling telecommunication products. And commissions given is more. I just need some capital to have a home phone, fax to facilitate the work.   Once again I have been manipulated, having managed to get a lot of customers, the company has a lot of excuses for not paying I commission. He said, photocopying documents not see and so on. While the customer who subscribes, has managed to use the telecommunications product.  It hurt my heart. :( After a few months I was able to commission, that is not all. 

So I started looking for work again. This time I worked as a student adviser under others. I was not given as much info about the colleges and universities that offer. But more info on commissions. Yes! That was the spirit, but I do not want to do business without knowing anything about the products and services offered.  Having spent a lot of money even to make flyers, banners, transport. Finally, I stopped again.  

After that, I worked in a pharmacy. The work was very tired, and can not sit. But due to the pharmacy close to home, I gave strength to endure the spirit. Furthermore, this work does not have to wear high shoes. So sometimes I can relax feet. During the 12 hours I work. very tiring. Forced to lift heavy items. It sometimes makes me cry. Every time after working hours, we will be examined as a thief in front of the public. Shame on you. but I still strengthened his passion for hard work. One day, a hair gel RM20 been stolen. I was blamed for not detain the thief. I was scolded. And I cried. I am offended. I had to persuade the boss, he said only a small thing. but before that, he was very angry because I RM20 goods. Very sad. :_(   Very sad because I'm trying to work hard but this is the reward. despite tired legs want to stop working, but I always persuade my heart to strengthen the spirit to continue working. That makes me sad.

Now I work here at Be **** P ********* Sdn Bhd. I do not know how long I've been here. Although normal work, this experience is very valuable. God willing, as long as the heart is still strong, no one is offended, and a promising chances, God willing, I will survive. Ameen.

Hopefully 2013 will give more success and victory for my life.  Ameen.




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