So Jealousy..
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jealousy is an emotion and typically refers to the negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, and anxiety over an anticipated loss of something that the person values, particularly in reference to a human connection. Jealousy often consists of a combination of presenting emotions such as anger, resentment, inadequacy, helplessness and disgust. In the original broad meaning used in this article, jealousy is distinct from envy, though the two terms have popularly become synonymous in the English language, with both now taking on the narrower definition originally used for envy alone.
Dari Kamus Pelajar
1. tidak senang melihat kelebihan orang lain; iri hati. 2. kurang percaya (kerana takut hilang atau diambil oleh orang lain); curiga: Ia ~ melihat suaminya bercakap-cakap dgn perempuan lain. bercemburu berasa cemburu. mencemburui 1. berasa iri hati kpd (terhadap). 2. menaruh syak atau curiga terhadap; mencurigai; mengesyaki. mencemburukan menimbulkan rasa cemburu.
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