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Wednesday 7 November 2012

Bandung - Cityscape, Main Sight, Demographics,


Skyline Pasupati flyover in Bandung

In 2005 the population of Bandung was 2,290,464, with a density of 13,693/km2 (35,465/sq mi). The May 2010 census count result is 2,393,688 people, making Bandung the third largest city in Indonesia.

Most of Bandung's population are of Sundanese descent. Javanese people are the largest minority; they mostly come from the nearby province and the eastern part of Java. Other minorities include Minangkabau people, Chinese Indonesians and Batak.

Main sights

The architectural design by Albert Aalbers
in 1939 is one of the most significant 
examples of the Art Deco style for which
Bandung is renowned
Bandung is home to numerous examples of Dutch colonial architecture; most notably the tropical Art Deco architectural style. Henri Maclaine-Pont is among the first Dutch architects who realized the importance of combine each architectural style with culture of the local people. He stressed that modern architecture should evolved from local history and native elements. In 1920, Pont planned and designed buildings for the first technical university in the Dutch East Indies, Technische Hogeschool te Bandung (the present-day Institut Teknologi Bandung), after which he was named as a professor in architecture at the university. A striking local Javanese roof style is clearly seen adorning the top of the campus' ceremonial hall, embedded in his artwork.

In the same year, another Dutch architect J Gerber designed Gouverments Bedrijven (Government Companies) in line with the colonial government plan to move the capital from Batavia to Bandung. The building is an example of a harmonious mixture between West and East architectural styles, particularly the Italian Renaissance style of arch structures in the west wing and Thailand's pagoda-like structures in the middle section.[citation needed] The building is known as Gedung Sate, named after the distinguished small satay-shaped structure on the roof, and is today used as the head office of West Java provincial government and West Java's house of representative.

The modern and native architectural blending was followed by several Dutch architects that have shaped the city landmarks. In the 1930s, Bandung was known also as the city of architecture laboratory because of the many Dutch architects who experimented with new architectural designs. Albert Aalbers added the expressionist architecture style to the Art Deco by designing the DENIS bank (1936) and renovated the Savoy Homann Hotel (1939). C.P.W. Schoemaker was one of architects who strongly added native elements in his artworks, including the Villa Isola (1932), Hotel Preanger (1929), the regional military headquarter (1918), Gedung Merdeka (1921) and ITB Rectorate Building (1925).


Bandung is considered a major &amp; significant cultural hub in Indonesia. Most people in the surrounding province of West Java are Sundanese. Sundanese language is spoken as the first language and is commonly used as informal language for communication in streets, school, campus, work and markets, while Indonesian - Indonesia's national language and a lingua franca among its many ethnic units — is used as a second language and the language of government, businesses, and instruction at schools.
source: wikipedia

p/s:This article is from my old blog -->


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